Pieces of Summer

Summer outdoor activities photo collage

Already these August days are filled with delicious snippets, be it either a couple hours stolen after work, or a long weekend pootling about with friends.

Thanks to the weeks of sunshine, I’ve been flying kites, swimming in the sea, climbing trees, riding high on a ferris wheel and eating the very best fish and chips on the beach. There’s a lot to be said for putting a stretch of water between you and your work. I’ve enjoyed the escape and wallowed in a lazy summer weekend pace.

Even the bike ride to work feels lush: riding through the park, on to quiet green boulevards free of the usual school run traffic.

The recent seaside bloggers, from West Scotland to Trieste, have me wishing to visit new coastal spots. I’ll be headed to my home coast, Trinidad CA, in just a couple weeks and I can’t wait to wander round the foggy headland and watch the seals in the bay. But for now, I’m enjoying all these little sunny delights between the 9-5.

3 thoughts on “Pieces of Summer

  1. It sounds like you’ve used every minute of this beautiful summer well. Hasn’t it been a lovely, warm sun-filled one! Your trip back to CA sounds lovely, it’ll make the season last that little bit longer. x